Jan R. Magnus
Mary S. Morgan

organization of the experiment (replication data)

This paper explains the organization of our experiment in applied econometrics, where participating teams had one year (1 July 1995 to 1 August 1996) to answer specific economic questions with a specified data set, but using their own methodology and economic insights. In the end, eight teams completed their task. We give detailed information about the rules and the tasks, we provide the essence of our correspondence with the teams and the assessors, and summarize what happened at the workshop in Tilburg (December 1996) and afterwards.

Data and Resources

Suggested Citation

Magnus, Jan R.; Morgan, Mary S. (1997): Organization of the experiment (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. https://jda-test.zbw.eu/dataset/organization-of-the-experiment