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Anastasia Semykina

self-employment among women: do children matter more than we previously thought? (replication data)

This paper presents an estimation approach that addresses the problems of sample selection and endogeneity of fertility decisions when estimating the effect of young children on women's self-employment. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979, 1982-2006, we find that ignoring self-selection and endogeneity leads to underestimating the effect of young children. Once both sources of biases are accounted for, the estimated effect of young children roughly triples when compared to uncorrected results. This finding is robust to several changes in the specification and to the use of a different dataset.

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Suggested Citation

Semykina, Anastasia (2017): Self-employment among women: Do children matter more than we previously thought? (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.