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Giuseppe De Luca
Franco Peracchi

estimating engel curves under unit and item nonresponse (replication data)

This paper estimates food Engel curves using data from the first wave of the Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Our statistical model simultaneously takes into account selectivity due to unit and item nonresponse, endogeneity problems, and issues related to flexible specification of the relationship of interest. We estimate both parametric and semiparametric specifications of the model. The parametric specification assumes that the unobservables in the model follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution, while the semiparametric specification avoids distributional assumptions about the unobservables.

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Suggested Citation

Luca, Giuseppe De; Peracchi, Franco (2011): Estimating Engel curves under unit and item nonresponse (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.