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Florian Heiss

sequential numerical integration in nonlinear state space models for microeconometric panel data (replication data)

This paper discusses the estimation of a class of nonlinear state space models including nonlinear panel data models with autoregressive error components. A health economics example illustrates the usefulness of such models. For the approximation of the likelihood function, nonlinear filtering algorithms developed in the time-series literature are considered. Because of the relatively simple structure of these models, a straightforward algorithm based on sequential Gaussian quadrature is suggested. It performs very well both in the empirical application and a Monte Carlo study for ordered logit and binary probit models with an AR(1) error component.

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Suggested Citation

Heiss, Florian (2008): Sequential numerical integration in nonlinear state space models for microeconometric panel data (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset.