Towards reproducible econometric research: the Sweave framework (replication ...
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Public insurance and private savings: who is affected and by how much? (repli...
This paper employs a recently developed instrumental quantile regression method to investigate the effect of Medicaid on household savings across different wealth groups. It... -
Binary choice under social interactions: an empirical study with and without ...
This paper examines two methods of modeling binary choice with social interactions: models assuming homogeneous rational expectations and models using subjective data on... -
Estimating Euler equations with noisy data: two exact GMM estimators (replica...
In this paper we exploit the specific structure of the Euler equation and develop two alternative GMM estimators that deal explicitly with measurement error. The first estimator... -
Panel cointegration tests of the Fisher effect (replication data)
Most empirical evidence suggests that the Fisher effect, stating that inflation and nominal interest rates should cointegrate with a unit slope on inflation, does not hold, a... -
Using the variance structure of the conditional autoregressive spatial specif...
This study investigates the pattern of knowledge spillovers arising from patent activity between European regions. A Bayesian hierarchical model is developed that specifies... -
The effect of seasonal adjustment on the properties of business cycle regimes...
We study the impact of seasonal adjustment on the properties of business cycle expansion and recession regimes using analytical, simulation and empirical methods. Analytically,... -
Bayesian counterfactual analysis of the sources of the great moderation (repl...
We use counterfactual experiments to investigate the sources of the large volatility reduction in US real GDP growth in the 1980s. Contrary to an existing literature that... -
Is gravity linear? (replication data)
Despite the solid theoretical foundation on which the gravity model of bilateral trade is based, empirical implementation requires several assumptions which do not follow...