Gender, race, pay and promotion in the British nursing profession: estimation...
We analyse job grading within the UK National Health Service nursing profession, using 1994 survey data. We start from the ordered probit model, for which we develop and apply... -
The cost and technological structure of aluminium smelters worldwide (replica...
A cost model is developed for the estimation of several technological parameters describing the production process of aluminium smelters worldwide. The model is similar to... -
Incomplete information and the time series behaviour of consumption (replicat...
Pischke (1995) uses both microeconomic and macroeconomic US data to test the idea that, within an otherwise standard PIH framework, ignorance by agents of aggregate labour... -
An examination of the dynamic behaviour of local governments using GMM bootst...
Even though recent Monte Carlo evidence has shown that the use of bootstrap critical values, instead of asymptotic ones, improves the size of the tests substantially, empirical... -
Wage differentials across firms: an application of multilevel modelling (repl...
Multilevel modelling techniques are applied to a dataset that matches firms and workers, to pinpoint and explain contrasts among company wage policies. Results indicate that...