Testing for a unit root in the volatility of asset returns (replication data)
It is now well established that the volatility of asset returns is time varying and highly persistent. One leading model that is used to represent these features of the data is... -
Common cycles in seasonal non-stationary time series (replication data)
This paper extends the notion of common cycles to quarterly time series having unit roots both at the zero and seasonal frequencies. It is shown that common cycles are present... -
Testing the random walk hypothesis for real exchange rates (replication data)
This paper tests the random walk hypothesis for the log-differenced monthly US real exchange rates versus some major currencies. The tests we use are variance ratio test,... -
Testing the significance of income distribution changes over the 1980s busine...
Using kernel density estimation we describe the distribution of household size-adjusted real income and how it changed over the business cycle of the 1980s in the United States... -
Estimation in large and disaggregated demand systems: an estimator for condit...
Empirical demand systems that do not impose unreasonable restrictions on preferences are typically non-linear. We show, however, that all popular systems possess the property of... -
The error structure of time series cross-section hedonic models with sporadic...
When estimating hedonic models of housing prices, the use of time series cross-section repeat sales data can provide improvements in estimator efficiency and correct for...