Do words hurt more than actions? The impact of trade tensions on financial ma...
We use machine learning techniques to quantify trade tensions between the United States and China. Our measure matches well-known events in the US-China trade dispute and is... -
Recurrent conditional heteroskedasticity (replication data)
We propose a new class of financial volatility models, called the REcurrent Conditional Heteroskedastic (RECH) models, to improve both in-sample analysis and out-of-sample... -
A regularization approach to common correlated effects estimation (replicatio...
Cross-section average-augmented panel regressions introduced by Pesaran (2006) have been a popular empirical tool to estimate panel data models with common factors. However, the... -
The impact of product and labour market reform on growth: Evidence for OECD c...
We examine the impact of labour and product market reforms on economic growth in 25 OECD countries between 1985 and 2013, and tests whether this impact is conditioned by the...