Olivier Armantier
Erwann Sbai
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estimation and comparison of treasury auction formats when bidders are asymmetric (replication data)

The structural parameters of a share-auction model accounting for asymmetries across bidders, as well as supply uncertainty, are estimated with a sample of French Treasury auctions. We find evidence of both informational and risk aversion asymmetries across bidders. A counter-factual analysis also suggests that, in the context of the French Treasury auctions, a shift from the discriminatory to the uniform-price format would simultaneously benefit the French Treasury and the auctions' participants.

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Armantier, Olivier; Sbai, Erwann (2006): Estimation and comparison of treasury auction formats when bidders are asymmetric (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. https://jda-test.zbw.eu/dataset/estimation-and-comparison-of-treasury-auction-formats-when-bidders-are-asymmetric?activity_id=8fff5cb6-206e-4a25-9b3f-a02973c017e7