Eliciting probabilistic expectations with visual aids in developing countries...
Eliciting subjective probability distributions in developing countries is often based on visual aids such as beans to represent probabilities and intervals on a sheet of paper... -
Do randomized-response designs eliminate response biases? An empirical study ...
Out of the toolbox of survey methods for obtaining honest answers to sensitive issues, the method of randomized responses (RR) has proven to be the most effective one. So far,... -
Learning and fatigue during choice experiments: a comparison of online and ma...
This study investigates the effect of survey mode on respondent learning and fatigue during repeated choice experiments. Stated preference data are obtained from an experiment... -
I didn't tell, and I won't tell: dynamic response error in the SIPP (replicat...
Using state administrative records matched to the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation, we examine intertemporal relationships in response errors. False negative...