Asymptotic theory and econometric practice (replication data)
The classical paradigm of asymptotic theory employed in econometrics presumes that model dimensionality, p, is fixed as sample size, n, tends to inifinity. Is this a plausible... -
We develop a sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm for estimating Bayesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models; wherein a particle approximation to the... -
International evidence on the efficacy of new‐Keynesian models of inflation p...
We take an agnostic view of the Phillips curve debate, and carry out an empirical investigation of the relative and absolute efficacy of Calvo sticky price (SP), sticky... -
Bayesian estimation of random-coefficients choice models using aggregate data...
This article discusses the use of Bayesian methods for estimating logit demand models using aggregate data. We analyze two different demand systems: independent samples and... -
Jointness of growth determinants (replication data)
This paper introduces a new measure of dependence or jointness among explanatory variables. Jointness is based on the joint posterior distribution of variables over the model... -
Rotterdam model versus almost ideal demand system: will the best specificatio...
The Rotterdam model and the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) are often applied in consumer demand systems modeling. Using Monte Carlo techniques, we determine which model... -
Identification of parameters in normal error component logit-mixture (NECLM) ...
Although the basic structure of logit-mixture models is well understood, important identification and normalization issues often get overlooked. This paper addresses issues... -
Small-sample confidence intervals for multivariate impulse response functions...
Existing methods for constructing confidence bands for multivariate impulse response functions may have poor coverage at long lead times when variables are highly persistent.... -
Semiparametric three-step estimation methods for simultaneous equation system...
This paper proposes a new method for estimating a structural model of labour supply in which hours of work depend on (log) wages and the wage rate is considered endogenous. The... -
Distribution approximations for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous...
The distribution of a functional of two correlated vector-Brownian motions is approximated by a Gamma distribution. This functional represents the limiting distribution for... -
Aggregate vs. disaggregate data analysis—a paradox in the estimation of a mon...
We use Japanese aggregate and disaggregate money demand data to show that conflicting inferences can arise. The aggregate data appears to support the contention that there was... -
Selection correction and sensitivity analysis for ordered treatment effect on...
In estimating the effect of an ordered treatment effect on a count response y with an observational data where τ is self-selected (not randomized), observed variables x and... -
Modelling and forecasting level shifts in absolute returns (replication data)
Due to high and low volatility periods, time series of absolute returns experience temporary level shifts which differ in length and size. In this paper we modify the basic... -
Estimating quadratic variation using realized variance (replication data)
This paper looks at some recent work on estimating quadratic variation using realized variance (RV)?that is, sums of M squared returns. This econometrics has been motivated by... -
Estimating shocks and impulse response functions (replication data)
This paper examines the issue of how to identify the shocks in a cointegrated VAR when the following assumptions are made: the variables can be classified as endogenous or... -
Serially correlated variables in dynamic, discrete choice models (replication...
This paper discusses the problems that are encountered when dynamic, discrete choice models are specified with continuous, serially correlated state variables. A variety of... -
Business cycle non-linearities in UK consumption and production (replication ...
This paper develops non-linear smooth transition autoregressive (STAR) models with two additive smooth transition components to capture the business cycle characteristics of UK... -
Adaptive estimation of cointegrated models: simulation evidence and an applic...
The paper reports simulation and empirical evidence on the finite-sample performance of adaptive estimators in cointegrated systems. Adaptive estimators are asymptotically... -
Investigating stability and linearity of a German M1 money demand function (r...
Starting from a linear error correction model (ECM) the stability and linearity of a German M1 money demand function are investigated, applying smooth transition regression... -
Estimation in large and disaggregated demand systems: an estimator for condit...
Empirical demand systems that do not impose unreasonable restrictions on preferences are typically non-linear. We show, however, that all popular systems possess the property of...