Transitions from home to marriage of young Americans (replication data)
The paper examines the impact of income on the transitions between home, living independently and first marriage of young Americans. A matching model is outlined, similar to... -
Non-linear error correction and the UK demand for broad money, 1878-1993 (rep...
In this paper we reconsider an error-correction model of UK broad money demand by Ericsson, Hendry and Prestwich. Their model is non-linear in both variables and parameters, and... -
Parametric and semiparametric estimation of sample selection models: an empir...
This paper applies both parametric and semiparametric methods to the estimation of wage and participation equations for married women in Portugal. The semiparametric estimators... -
Tests for multiple forecast encompassing (replication data)
In the evaluation of economic forecasts, it is frequently the case that comparisons are made between a number of competing predictors. A natural question to ask in such contexts... -
The effects of real and nominal uncertainty on inflation and output growth: s...
In this paper we use GARCH-M methods to test four hypotheses about the effects of real and nominal uncertainty on average inflation and output growth in the United States from... -
Conducting inference in semiparametric duration models under inequality restr...
Using a four-month panel of revised Current Population Survey data from September-December 1993, we extend the class of semiparametric hazard models of the type first studied by... -
Adaptive estimation of cointegrated models: simulation evidence and an applic...
The paper reports simulation and empirical evidence on the finite-sample performance of adaptive estimators in cointegrated systems. Adaptive estimators are asymptotically... -
Applied econometrics rankings: 1989-1995 (replication data)
This paper ranks academic institutions by publication activity in applied econometrics over the period 1989-1995. Fourteen leading international journals that publish applied... -
Estimating the LQAC model with I(2) variables (replication data)
This paper derives a method for estimating and testing the Linear Quadratic Adjustment Cost (LQAC) model when the target variable and some of the forcing variables follow I(2)... -
A non-linear filtering approach to stochastic volatility models with an appli...
This paper develops a new model for the analysis of stochastic volatility (SV) models. Since volatility is a latent variable in SV models, it is difficult to evaluate the exact... -
Stylized facts of daily return series and the hidden Markov model (replicatio...
In two recent papers, Granger and Ding (1995a,b) considered long return series that are first differences of logarithmed price series or price indices. They established a set of... -
Incorporating monotonicity and concavity conditions in flexible functional fo...
Empirical economists using flexible functional forms often face the disturbing choice of drawing inferences from an approximation violating properties dictated by theory or... -
A nonlinear approach to US GNP (replication data)
A univariate nonlinear model is estimated for US GNP that on many criteria outperforms standard linear models. The estimated model is of the threshold autoregressive type and... -
The distribution of personal income: Revisited (replication data)
In a recent paper, Majumder and Chakravarty (1990) propose a four-parameter model which they find provides a better fit to some income data than the lognormal, gamma,... -
Cointegration tests of present value models with a time-varying discount fact...
The paper analyses the impact of persistence and volatility in the discount rate in present-value models on cointegration tests in levels and in logarithms. In simulations we... -
Separability test for the electricity supply industry (replication data)
This paper examines the vertical integration issue of the electricity industry. This industry is typically vertically integrated and heavily regulated. The paper investigates... -
Estimating nonlinear time-series models using simulated vector autoregression...
This paper develops two new methods for conducting formal statistical inference in nonlinear dynamic economic models. The two methods require very little analytical... -
Common Trends and Common Cycles (replication data)
The existence of a serial correlation common feature among the first differences of a set of I(1) variables implies the existence of a common cycle in the...