What time use surveys can (and cannot) tell us about labor supply (replicatio...
The American Time Use Survey (ATUS) accurately measures hours worked on a single day. We propose several estimators of elasticities of weekly labor supply in a linear regression... -
Endogenous health groups and heterogeneous dynamics of the elderly (replicati...
We propose a methodology to classify individuals into few but meaningful health groups by estimating a panel Markov switching model that exploits rich information from panel... -
Interpretation of point forecasts with unknown directive (replication data)
Point forecasts can be interpreted as functionals (i.e., point summaries) of predictive distributions. We extend methodology for the identification of the functional based on... -
If not now, when? The timing of childbirth and labor market outcomes (replica...
We study the effect of childbirth and birth timing on female labor market outcomes in Italy. The impact is traced up to 21 years since school completion by estimating a factor... -
Productivity effects of internationalisation through the domestic supply chai...
This paper investigates productivity effects for a given firm resulting from the import or export of intermediate inputs by domestic upstream and downstream industries. With the... -
The government spending multiplier at the zero lower bound: International evi...
Based on a large historical panel dataset, this paper provides evidence that the government spending multiplier can be significantly higher when interest rates are at or near... -
The double‐edged sword of global integration: Robustness, fragility, and cont...
Increased global integration of firm, production, and financial networks has the potential to benefit growth but also amplify the transmission of crises. We test whether higher... -
The impact of HIV/AIDS on human capital investment in Sub‐Saharan Africa: New...
The risk of AIDS-related mortality increased dramatically throughout the 1990s. This paper updates previous work by Fortson (2011) to examine the impact of mortality risk on... -
Ranking intersecting distribution functions (replication data)
Second-degree dominance has become a widely accepted criterion for ordering distribution functions according to social welfare. However, it provides only a partial ordering, and... -
Estimating household consumption insurance (replication data)
Blundell, Pistaferri, and Preston (American Economic Review, 2008, 98(5), 1887-1921) report an estimate of household consumption insurance with respect to permanent income... -
No‐arbitrage priors, drifting volatilities, and the term structure of interes...
We use a Bayesian vector autoregression with stochastic volatility to forecast government bond yields. We form the conjugate prior from a no-arbitrage affine term structure... -
Measurement of factor strength: Theory and practice (replication data)
This paper proposes an estimator of factor strength and establishes its consistency and asymptotic distribution. The estimator is based on the number of statistically... -
Understanding women's wage growth using indirect inference with importance sa...
The goal of this work is to investigate the effects of time out of the labor market for childcare on women's lifecycle wage growth. We develop a dynamic lifecycle model of human... -
Measurement error in earnings data: Replication of Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wan...
Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wansbeek (MRW, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2012) developed methods for prediction of a single earnings figure per worker from mixture... -
When are instruments generated from geographic characteristics in bilateral r...
In their highly influential paper, Does Trade Cause Growth,? Frankel and Romer estimate a trade equation to predict bilateral trade shares, which are in turn aggregated to... -
Counterfactual analysis under partial identification using locally robust ref...
Structural models that admit multiple reduced forms, such as game-theoretic models with multiple equilibria, pose challenges in practice, especially when parameters are set... -
Testing monotonicity of conditional treatment effects under regression discon...
Researchers are often interested in the relationship between treatment effects and observed individual heterogeneity. This paper proposes the first nonparametric monotonicity... -
Combining shrinkage and sparsity in conjugate vector autoregressive models (r...
Conjugate priors allow for fast inference in large dimensional vector autoregressive (VAR) models. But at the same time, they introduce the restriction that each equation... -
Measuring global economic activity (replication data)
A number of economic studies have used a proxy for world real economic activity derived from shipping costs. This measure turns out to depend on a normalization that has... -
Time‐varying income elasticities of healthcare expenditure for the OECD and E...
We propose a panel data model for nonstationary variables with interactive fixed effects and coefficients that may vary over time and use it to examine time variation in the...