Assessing the performance of matching algorithms when selection into treatmen...
This paper investigates the method of matching regarding two crucial implementation choices: the distance measure and the type of algorithm. We implement optimal full matching a... -
Social capital, barriers to production and capital shares: implications for t...
Recent advances in the growth literature have proposed that difficult-to-quantify concepts such as social capital may play an important role in explaining the degree of... -
Dynamic factor extraction of cross-sectional dependence in panel unit root te...
Recently, considerable emphasis has been placed on the problems arising out of cross-sectional dependence in panel unit root tests. This paper adopts the factor-based... -
Subsampling hypothesis tests for nonstationary panels with applications to ex...
This paper studies subsampling hypothesis tests for panel data that may be nonstationary, cross-sectionally correlated, and cross-sectionally cointegrated. The subsampling... -
Panel unit root tests and spatial dependence (replication data)
This paper studies the performance of panel unit root tests when spatial effects are present that account for cross-section correlation. Monte Carlo simulations show that there... -
Nonlinear dynamics of interest rate and inflation (replication data)
According to several empirical studies US inflation and nominal interest rates as well as the real interest rate can be described as unit root processes. These results imply... -
An empirical model of the multi-unit, sequential, clock auction (replication ...
We construct a model of participation and bidding at multi-unit, sequential, clock auctions when bidders have multi-unit demand. We describe conditions sufficient to... -
The case against JIVE (replication data)
We perform an extensive series of Monte Carlo experiments to compare the performance of two variants of the jackknife instrumental variables estimator, or JIVE, with that of the... -
Temporal aggregation of an ESTAR process: some implications for purchasing po...
Nonlinear models of deviations from PPP have recently provided an important, theoretically well motivated, contribution to the PPP puzzle. Most of these studies use temporally... -
Measuring welfare effects in models with random coefficients (replication data)
In economic research, it is often important to express the marginal value of a variable in monetary terms. In random coefficient models, this marginal monetary value is the... -
The cross-Euler equation approach to intertemporal substitution in import dem...
This paper addresses the empirical dilemma in identifying and estimating the parameters governing the intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES) for import demand. We... -
Testing chaotic dynamics via Lyapunov exponents (replication data)
We propose a new test to detect chaotic dynamics, based on the stability of the largest Lyapunov exponent from different sample sizes. This test is applied to the data used in... -
Estimating dynamic equilibrium economies: linear versus nonlinear likelihood ...
This paper compares two methods for undertaking likelihood-based inference in dynamic equilibrium economies: a sequential Monte Carlo filter and the Kalman filter. The... -
Semiparametric three-step estimation methods for simultaneous equation system...
This paper proposes a new method for estimating a structural model of labour supply in which hours of work depend on (log) wages and the wage rate is considered endogenous. The... -
Distribution approximations for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous...
The distribution of a functional of two correlated vector-Brownian motions is approximated by a Gamma distribution. This functional represents the limiting distribution for... -
Validating multiple structural change models-a case study (replication data)
In a recent article, Bai and Perron (2003, Journal of Applied Econometrics) present a comprehensive discussion of computational aspects of multiple structural change models... -
I didn't tell, and I won't tell: dynamic response error in the SIPP (replicat...
Using state administrative records matched to the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation, we examine intertemporal relationships in response errors. False negative... -
Partially overlapping time series: a new model for volatility dynamics in com...
In commodity futures markets, contracts with various delivery dates trade simultaneously. Applied researchers typically discard the majority of the data and form a single time... -
Modelling and forecasting stock returns: exploiting the futures market, regim...
This paper proposes a vector equilibrium correction model of stock returns that exploits the information in the futures market, while allowing for both regime-switching... -
Business and default cycles for credit risk (replication data)
Various economic theories are available to explain the existence of credit and default cycles. There remains empirical ambiguity, however, as to whether these cycles coincide....