Incorporating monotonicity and concavity conditions in flexible functional fo...
Empirical economists using flexible functional forms often face the disturbing choice of drawing inferences from an approximation violating properties dictated by theory or... -
Measuring underlying economic activity (replication data)
Recently, interest in the methodology of constructing coincident economic indicators has been revived by the work of Stock and Watson (1989b). They adopt the framework of the... -
A time series analysis of real wages, consumption and asset returns (replicat...
This paper re-examines whether the time series properties of aggregate consumption, real wages, and asset returns can be explained by a neoclassical model. Previous empirical... -
Analysing inflation by the fractionally integrated ARFIMA-GARCH model (replic...
This paper considers the application of long-memory processes to describing inflation for ten countries. We implement a new procedure to obtain approximate maximum likelihood... -
Optimal response to a shift in regulatory regime: The case of the US nuclear ...
This paper studies the impact of the March 1979 Three Mile Island (TMI) accident on the regulation of nuclear power plants (NPPs) and its consequences for the operating... -
An investigation of the harvest decision of timber firms in the south-east Un...
In the forestry literature, stochastic extensions of the classic Faustmann model have become the predominant models of optimal harvesting on even-aged timber stands. A recent... -
An empirical model of asset replacement in dairy production (replication data)
Throughout the US dairy farm industry, observed rates of dairy cow replacement consistently exceed the rates prescribed as optimal by dairy economists. We attempt to uncover the... -
Analysing incomplete individual employment histories using indirect inference...
In this paper we apply the Indirect Inference method to estimate the parameters of a semi-Markov transition model when the data are subject to a complex form of censoring. There... -
Estimating a nonlinear rational expectations commodity price model with unobs...
This paper is concerned with the estimation of a model in which a possibly serially correlated stochastic process, the harvest of an agricultural commodity, generates a... -
Estimation of equilibrium wage distributions with heterogeneity (replication ...
Equilibrium search models generalize the one-sided models used earlier by endogenizing the wage offer distribution. Attempts to estimate versions of these equilibrium n search... -
A class of binary response models for grouped duration data (replication data)
This paper explores the relationship between conventional models for binary response such as the probit and logit, and the proportional hazard (PH) and related specifications... -
Forecasting exchange rates using feedforward and recurrent neural networks (r...
In this paper we investigate the out-of-sample forecasting ability of feedforward and recurrent neural networks based on empirical foreign exchange rate data. A two-step... -
Institutional hypothesis of the long-run income velocity of money and paramet...
It has recently been argued that when the conventional specification of M2 income velocity is extended to include proxies for two types of institutional change, as emphasized by... -
Maximum likelihood estimation of a GARCH-stable model (replication data)
Maximum likelihood is used to estimate a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) process where the residuals have a conditional stable distribution... -
Heterogeneity biases, distributional effects, and aggregate consumption: An e...
Using stratified microdata from the Canadian FAMEX (78-86) surveys, this paper investigates whether observed heterogeneity in marginal propensities to consume across strata... -
A simple and efficient method for estimating the magnitude and precision of w...
In this article we propose a simple and efficient method of estimating welfare measures in an n-equation system. We also estimate the variance of these measures. The accuracy... -
Alternative procedures for converting qualitative response data to quantitati...
This paper analyses and extends alternative procedures for converting qualitative expectations responses to quantitative expectations. A number of conversion procedures is... -
Testing for homogeneity in demand systems when the regressors are nonstationa...
An implication of optimizing theory is that demand functions are homogeneous of degree zero in prices and nominal income. Evidence based on estimations of demand systems has... -
Semi-parametric estimation of simultaneous equations with limited dependent v...
We propose a general strategy to estimate semi-parametrically simultaneous equations with limited dependent variables. First, each reduced form (RF) is estimated with various... -
Forecasting in cointegrated systems (replication data)
We consider the implications for forecast accuracy of imposing unit roots and cointegrating restrictions in linear systems of I(1) variables in levels, differences, and...