Transitions at Different Moments in Time: A Spatial Probit Approach (replicat...
This paper adopts a spatial probit approach to explain interaction effects among cross-sectional units when the dependent variable takes the form of a binary response variable... -
Estimation of Poverty Transition Matrices with Noisy Data (replication data)
This paper investigates measurement error biases in estimated poverty transition matrices. We compare transition matrices based on survey expenditure data to transition matrices... -
Sharp IV Bounds on Average Treatment Effects on the Treated and Other Populat...
In the presence of an endogenous binary treatment and a valid binary instrument, causal effects are point identified only for the subpopulation of compliers, given that the... -
Anticipation, Tax Avoidance, and the Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand (rep...
Least-squares estimates of the response of gasoline consumption to a change in the gasoline price are biased toward zero, given the endogeneity of gasoline prices. A seemingly... -
Average and Marginal Returns to Upper Secondary Schooling in Indonesia (repli...
This paper estimates average and marginal returns to schooling in Indonesia using a semiparametric selection model. Identification of the model is given by geographic variation... -
Modeling and Forecasting Large Realized Covariance Matrices and Portfolio Cho...
We consider modeling and forecasting large realized covariance matrices by penalized vector autoregressive models. We consider Lasso-type estimators to reduce the dimensionality... -
Optimal Portfolio Choice Under Decision‐Based Model Combinations (replication...
We propose a density combination approach featuring combination weights that depend on the past forecast performance of the individual models entering the combination through a... -
Forecasting Consumption: the Role of Consumer Confidence in Real Time with ma...
We study the role of consumer confidence in forecasting real personal consumption expenditure, and contribute to the extant literature in three substantive ways. First, we... -
Mismatch Shocks and Unemployment During the Great Recession (replication data)
We investigate the macroeconomic consequences of fluctuations in the effectiveness of the labor market matching process with a focus on the Great Recession. We conduct our... -
Nonlinear Granger Causality: Guidelines for Multivariate Analysis (replicatio...
We propose an extension of the bivariate nonparametric Diks-Panchenko Granger non-causality test to multivariate settings. We first show that the asymptotic theory for the... -
Forecasting with Global Vector Autoregressive Models: a Bayesian Approach (re...
This paper develops a Bayesian variant of global vector autoregressive (B-GVAR) models to forecast an international set of macroeconomic and financial variables. We propose a... -
Bubbles and Crises: The Role of House Prices and Credit (replication data)
This paper utilizes quarterly panel data for 20 OECD countries over the period 1975:Q1-2014:Q2 to explore the importance of house prices and credit in affecting the likelihood... -
Modelling Hospital Admission and Length of Stay by Means of Generalised Count...
For a large heterogeneous group of patients, we analyse probabilities of hospital admission and distributional properties of lengths of hospital stay conditional on individual... -
Forecasting with Bayesian Vector Autoregressions Estimated Using Professional...
We propose a Bayesian shrinkage approach for vector autoregressions (VARs) that uses short-term survey forecasts as an additional source of information about model parameters.... -
Reassessing the Relative Power of the Yield Spread in Forecasting Recessions ...
In this paper, we replicate the main results of previous research showing that the use of the yield spread in a probit model can predict recessions better than the Survey of... -
Exponent of Cross-Sectional Dependence: Estimation and Inference (replication...
This paper provides a characterisation of the degree of cross-sectional dependence in a two dimensional array, {xit,i = 1,2,...N;t = 1,2,...,T} in terms of the rate at which the... -
Factor-Based Identification-Robust Interference in IV Regressions (replicatio...
Robust methods for instrumental variable inference have received considerable attention recently. Their analysis has raised a variety of problematic issues such as size/power... -
Forecast Rationality Tests in the Presence of Instabilities, with Application...
This paper proposes a framework to implement regression-based tests of predictive ability in unstable environments, including, in particular, forecast unbiasedness and... -
Flexible Estimation of Copulas: An Application to the US Housing Crisis (repl...
Zimmer (?The role of copulas in the housing crisis?, Review of Economics and Statistics 2012; 94: 607-620) provides an interesting case study of the pitfalls of using parametric... -
The Measurement and Behavior of Uncertainty: Evidence from the ECB Survey of ...
We examine matched point and density forecasts of output growth, inflation and unemployment from the ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters. We construct measures of uncertainty...