Combining density forecasts using focused scoring rules (replication data)
We investigate the added value of combining density forecasts focused on a specific region of support. We develop forecast combination schemes that assign weights to individual... -
An endogenously clustered factor approach to international business cycles (r...
Factor models have become useful tools for studying international business cycles. Block factor models can be especially useful as the zero restrictions on the loadings of some... -
Nonparametric methods and local-time-based estimation for dynamic power law d...
This paper introduces nonparametric econometric methods that characterize general power law distributions under basic stability conditions. These methods extend the literature... -
Identifying relevant and irrelevant variables in sparse factor models (replic...
This paper considers factor estimation from heterogeneous data, where some of the variables-the relevant ones-are informative for estimating the factors, and others-the... -
Model selection with estimated factors and idiosyncratic components (replicat...
This paper provides consistent information criteria for the selection of forecasting models that use a subset of both the idiosyncratic and common factor components of a big...