Quantifying the supply-side benefits from forward contracting in wholesale el...
The assumption of expected profit-maximizing bidding behavior in a multi-unit, multi-period auction with step-function supply curves is used to estimate cost functions for... -
Finite sample inference methods for dynamic energy demand models (replication...
This paper considers finite sample motivated inference methods in dynamic energy demand models, in which case commonly used econometric methods remain asymptotic. We focus on... -
Estimating market power in a two-sided market: The case of newspapers (replic...
The newspaper industry is a two-sided market: the readers market and the advertising market are closely linked by inter-market network externalities. We estimate market power in... -
Efficiency of the California electricity reserves market (replication data)
We test the efficiency of the California electricity reserves market by examining systematic differences between its day- and hour-ahead prices. We uncover significant day-ahead... -
Permanent and transitory wages of British men, 1975–2001: year, age and cohor...
We examine the mean and variance-covariance structure of log-wages over calendar time and the life cycle of British men, hereby controlling for birth cohort effects. We... -
Growth, technological interdependence and spatial externalities: theory and e...
This paper presents a theoretical growth model which explicitly takes into account technological interdependence among economies and examines the impact of spillover effects.... -
Semi-nonparametric competing risks analysis of recidivism (replication data)
In this paper we specify a semi-nonparametric competing risks (SNP-CR) model of recidivism, for misdemeanors and felonies. The model is a bivariate mixed proportional hazard... -
Bayesian inference for the gravity model (replication data)
This paper seeks to empirically extend the gravity model, which has been widely used to analyze volumes of trade between pairs of countries. We generalize the basic threshold... -
Money demand function estimation by nonlinear cointegration (replication data)
Conventionally, the money demand function is estimated using a regression of the logarithm of money demand on either the interest rate or the logarithm of the interest rate.... -
Nonparametric estimation of concave production technologies by entropic metho...
An econometric methodology is developed for nonparametric estimation of concave production technologies. The methodology, based on the principle of maximum likelihood, uses... -
Sectoral adjustment of employment to shifts in outsourcing and trade: evidenc...
This paper analyzes the effects of trade and outsourcing on the transition probabilities of employment between sectors, using a dynamic multinomial logit framework with fixed... -
Assessing the performance of matching algorithms when selection into treatmen...
This paper investigates the method of matching regarding two crucial implementation choices: the distance measure and the type of algorithm. We implement optimal full matching a... -
Expectation horizon and the Phillips Curve: the solution to an empirical puzz...
Estimates of the slope of the Phillips curve reported in the literature cover a range from roughly ? 0.6 to zero depending on specification. Forward-looking specifications,... -
Exploring the international linkages of the euro area: a global VAR analysis ...
This paper presents a quarterly global model combining individual country vector error-correcting models in which the domestic variables are related to the country-specific... -
The transmission mechanism in a changing world (replication data)
The paper aims to identify those factors that cause changes in the speed and strength of the international transmission of output shocks from the USA to specified European...