Identification of parameters in normal error component logit-mixture (NECLM) ...
Although the basic structure of logit-mixture models is well understood, important identification and normalization issues often get overlooked. This paper addresses issues... -
An extortionary guerrilla movement (replication data)
This paper models an extortionary relationship between a pipeline operator and a guerrilla movement. Payment and attack decisions are modeled as an infinite-horizon Markov... -
Efficiency of the California electricity reserves market (replication data)
We test the efficiency of the California electricity reserves market by examining systematic differences between its day- and hour-ahead prices. We uncover significant day-ahead... -
Permanent and transitory wages of British men, 1975–2001: year, age and cohor...
We examine the mean and variance-covariance structure of log-wages over calendar time and the life cycle of British men, hereby controlling for birth cohort effects. We... -
Growth, technological interdependence and spatial externalities: theory and e...
This paper presents a theoretical growth model which explicitly takes into account technological interdependence among economies and examines the impact of spillover effects.... -
Meta-analysis in model implementation: choice sets and the valuation of air q...
This research illustrates how the methods developed for meta-analysis can serve to document and summarize voluminous information derived from repeated sensitivity analyses. Our...