The emerging market crisis and stock market linkages: further evidence (repli...
This study examines the long-run price relationship and the dynamic price transmission among the USA, Germany, and four major Eastern European emerging stock markets, with... -
Semi-parametric estimation of consumption-based equivalence scales: the case ...
Consumption-based equivalence scales are estimated by applying the extended partially linear model (EPLM) to the 1998 German Income and Consumption Survey (EVS). In this model... -
A small monetary system for the euro area based on German data (replication d...
Previous euro area money demand studies have used aggregated national time series data from the countries participating in the European Monetary Union (EMU). However,... -
Generalized long memory processes, failure of cointegration tests and exchang...
This paper presents evidence that the equilibrium relationship in a system of nominal exchange rates is best described as a stationary GARMA process. The implementation of the... -
Estimating and predicting multivariate volatility thresholds in global stock ...
We propose a general double tree structured AR-GARCH model for the analysis of global equity index returns. The model extends previous approaches by incorporating (i) several...