The stochastic volatility in mean model: empirical evidence from internationa...
In this paper we present an exact maximum likelihood treatment for the estimation of a Stochastic Volatility in Mean (SVM) model based on Monte Carlo simulation methods. The SVM... -
GO-GARCH: a multivariate generalized orthogonal GARCH model (replication data)
Multivariate GARCH specifications are typically determined by means of practical considerations such as the ease of estimation, which often results in a serious loss of... -
Bridging the gap between the distribution of realized (ECU) volatility and AR...
This paper bridges the gap between traditional ARCH modelling and recent advances on realized volatilities. Based on a ten-year sample of five-minute returns for the ECU basket... -
New frontiers for arch models (replication data)
In the 20 years following the publication of the ARCH model, there has been a vast quantity of research uncovering the properties of competing volatility models. Wide-ranging... -
Time irreversibility and EGARCH effects in US stock index returns (replicatio...
In this paper we suggest using a modified version of the time reversibility (TR) test of Chen, Chou and Kuan (2000) as a complementary diagnostic test for time series models.... -
Maximum likelihood estimation of STAR and STAR-GARCH models: theory and Monte...
Theoretical and practical interest in non-linear time series models, particularly regime switching models, have increased substantially in recent years. Given the abundant... -
Crack spread hedging: accounting for time-varying volatility spillovers in th...
Crude oil, heating oil, and unleaded gasoline futures contracts are simultaneously analysed for their effectiveness in reducing price volatility for an energy trader. A...