Jingfeng Lu
Isabelle Perrigne
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estimating risk aversion from ascending and sealed-bid auctions: the case of timber auction data (replication data)

Estimating bidders' risk aversion in auctions is a challenging problem because of identification issues. This paper takes advantage of bidding data from two auction designs to identify nonparametrically the bidders' utility function within a private value framework. In particular, ascending auction data allow one to recover the latent distribution of private values, while first-price sealed-bid auction data allow one to recover the bidders' utility function. This leads to a nonparametric estimator. An application to the US Forest Service timber auctions is proposed. Estimated utility functions display concavity, which can be partly captured by constant relative risk aversion.

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Suggested Citation

Lu, Jingfeng; Perrigne, Isabelle (2008): Estimating risk aversion from ascending and sealed-bid auctions: the case of timber auction data (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. https://jda-test.zbw.eu/dataset/estimating-risk-aversion-from-ascending-and-sealedbid-auctions-the-case-of-timber-auction-data?activity_id=8cd9c4ce-b61a-4f1a-bb33-e1324b8e40cb