Michael K. Salemi
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estimating the natural rate of unemployment and testing the natural rate hypothesis (replication data)

How should one measure the natural rate of unemployment? This paper proposes a systems procedure as an alternative to NAIRU. The natural rate is treated as an unobserved state variable in a system that includes measurement equations for the unemployment rate, the rate of wage growth and the rate of inflation. The model is derived from a version of the wage bargaining model of Blanchard and embodies a version of the natural rate hypothesis. The model is estimated by embedding the Kalman filter within the full-information maximum likelihood procedure. For US data, the estimated model implies substantial post-war variation in the natural rate and a negative, but weak, effect of inflation surprises on unemployment.

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Suggested Citation

Salemi, Michael K. (1999): Estimating the Natural Rate of Unemployment and Testing the Natural Rate Hypothesis (replication data). Version: 1. Journal of Applied Econometrics. Dataset. https://jda-test.zbw.eu/dataset/estimating-the-natural-rate-of-unemployment-and-testing-the-natural-rate-hypothesis?activity_id=b1cf12ae-020a-4119-8d30-5e1c025db08f